Monday, February 18, 2013

When I am desperat.....

When I say to myself that I am going to turn all my problems over to God, this does not give me leave to shirk my responsibilities.  I have been given certain tools with which to run my life, and the free will to use them.  They include judgment, intelligence, good will and the power to reason.  Perhaps much of my trouble stems from having misused these tools.  Judgment may have been warped by resentment, my intelligence by failure to face issues honestly.  God will can be lost when we are unable to be tolerant of the faults of others.  The power to reason can be dulled when we fail to detach ourselves from the emotional content of a problem.

When I am desperate enough to ask for help, I will not expect it to come in the form of easy solutions.  I must play a part in solving my problems, but God will provide the guidance and the strength to take the right action.

“I pray for the wisdom to understand my difficulties clearly and honestly, and for the strength to do something constructive about them.  I know I can count on God’s help in this.

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