Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Forgiving and forgiveness

“The special secret of true forgiveness-anger resolution.  Here it is:  For you to forgive another person, it is not required that he ask for your forgiveness….
“For you to forgive another person, it is not required that he deserves your forgiveness….
“For you to forgive another person, it is not even required that he is aware he has been forgiven.
“What I am saying,” she interrupted, “is there is not a shred of evidence from experts or books-including the Bible-that demands a person ask for, deserve, or be cognizant of the process before you can forgive him. Forgiveness, it turns out, is a gift that means more to the giver than it does to the receiver.”
“Incidentally,” she said, “ it is important that we forgive ourselves….
“The answer for you and me is the same as it is when we deal with someone else who has offended us…forgive the offender and move on.”
“We don’t manage our anger, we resolve it.”

Island of Saints, Andy Andrews, Nelson Books, 2005, p 237

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