Patience with God. How often have we heard people say, "I cannot believe or put my trust in an unknown being who permits my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my child to die or suffer when I know I am entitled to have my prayers answered. If there is a God, he surely would have answered my prayers and heard my pleas." Our relationship to God will improve as we learn to ask rather than to tell. Surely it is wisdom that we seek. Aren't we out of our realm when we judge or are inclined to second-guess God in our human frailties?
Doctrine and Covenants, section 54, verse 10: "And again, be patient in tribulation." Proper prayer teaches us patience. I declare to you, my friends, this morning, very often our prayers are best answered in silence. Sometimes the answers to our prayers are delayed so we may learn patience. I bear witness to you today our Heavenly Father is an almighty God because he has eternal patience with us. God lives; he loves us; he hears our prayers; he answers our prayers; he answers the prayers of the faithful; he hears the prayers of the repentant. God can be found if we have the patience to seek, knock, ask, and listen.
Patience Is a Great Power MARVIN J. ASHTON Brigham Young University on 13 February 1973
Sometimes the answers to our prayers not only seem unanswered because what is seemingly bad happens. In the future, we find out that what happened was for our best or the best of the person we are praying for. Example: I pray for a beautiful son to be free of drugs, that doesn’t happen. Bad answer to prayer? My son then does enough wrong that he could go to prison. I pray that this doesn’t happen, he goes to prison. Bad answer to prayer? Now I look back and Prison is where he finally changed and is now becoming who God knows he can become. Conclusion, God does answer our prayers, not the way we think they should be answered but he answers with what he knows is BEST for us and our loved ones. Sometimes we just don’t understand.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, (the key) and he shall direct thy paths.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6
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