Thursday, July 11, 2013


“… While there are many things we must make judgments about, the sins of another or the state of our own souls in comparison to others seems not to be among them.…Our own sins, no matter how few or seemingly insignificant, disqualify us as judges of other people’s sins. I love the words in Susan Evans McCloud’s familiar hymn: ‘Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee.’ (‘Lord, I Would Follow Thee,’ Hymns, no. 220) So far as possible, we should judge circumstances rather than people. In all our judgments we should apply righteous standards. And, in all of this we must remember the command to forgive….May God bless us that we may have that love and that we may show it in refraining from making final judgments of our fellowman. In those intermediate judgments we are responsible to make, may we judge righteously and with love.”

Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “’Judge Not’ and Judging”, Ensign, Aug, 1999

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