Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If Not Love,Hold On To Hope......

To those of you who have been through such a terrible experience  such as mine, we love you.  We pray for you and we understand.  We find you pure and guiltless before God.  We are confident that the Lord will find you without blemish, and that His love will encircle you and bring peace to your overburdened soul.  You can live without love, but you can’t live without hope.  What I am saying is that if the Lord will take a scroungy little kid like I was, who had to wear  nurse’s shoes to church, and beg for groceries, and call him to be a high counselor, a stake president, a second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric and a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, believe that He can do just as much for you. Please hope on until you reach understanding.  God is with you and will dry your tears.
Vaughn J. Featherstone, as quoted in “Hold on to Hope,”  p42

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