Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Task Ahead Of Us Is Never As Great As The Power Behind Us.

Things get worse! Things get worse with an effective strategy.  It’s true.  Expect conflict when you stop exhibiting the codependent behaviors of rescuing, persecuting, and suffering.  The addict’s behavior typically gets worse with the behaviors of self-love, unconditional-love and tough-love properly applied.  Family members and close friends will require time to adjust to the addict’s worsened behavior.  It takes both objectivity and courage to initiate effective strategies, knowing that the addict’s threats, yelling, and name calling will increase.  But be assured that the increasing tension is a sign that you are changing and likely eliminating codependent behaviors.  If you are unable to withstand the increased conflict that comes with change, don’t plan a strategy.  Go back and work on self-love and find a support resource
Hold on to Hope, p 131, 132
The Task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.

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